Teaching and Learning

Teaching and Learning at Cranleigh

Individual needs.

As part of the teaching and learning cycle, each students’ learning needs are identified using a range of different planning tools, including

From this process teachers work with parents to identify the appropriate Australian Curriculum achievement standards for each student.

IALPs at Cranleigh (Individual Adjustments to Learning Plan and Reporting)

All students have an Individual Adjustments to Learning Plan (IALP) developed in collaboration with staff, parents/carers and relevant therapists to ensure it meets the student’s current educational needs. Each student’s IALP covers the strategies and adjustments that teachers and school staff have in place to support learning and engagement in all curriculum areas. IALPs are regularly reviewed as additional strategies or adjustments occur.

Reporting At Cranleigh

Formal Reports are sent home to parents twice a year – at the end of term 2 and the end of term 4. These reports focus on each students learning of the Australian Curriculum and/or Early Years Learning Framework.


An Appraisal Meeting is held for students in Kindergarten and Years 3 and 6. Meetings involve families (including the student, if you wish); the class teacher, the Principal (or delegate) and can also include therapists and other people who you would like to collaborate in the planned learning for your child. A moderator from the Disability Education Section of the Directorate supports families and the school in the Appraisal meeting.

Further information about Appraisals can be found at https://www.education.act.gov.au/support-for-our-students/students-with-disability